Install Salt Cloud

Salt Cloud has only two dependencies:

  • salt
  • apache-libcloud

Of course, salt has it’s own set of dependencies and the same applies to apache-libcloud.

Installing Salt Cloud for development

Clone the repository using:

git clone

Create a new virtualenv:

virtualenv /path/to/your/virtualenv

On Arch Linux, where Python 3 is the default installation of Python, use the virtualenv2 command instead of virtualenv.


Using system Python modules in the virtualenv

To use already-installed python modules in virtualenv (instead of having pip download and compile new ones), run virtualenv --system-site-packages Using this method eliminates the requirement to install the salt dependencies again, although it does assume that the listed modules are all installed in the system PYTHONPATH at the time of virtualenv creation.

Activate the virtualenv:

source /path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/activate

Install Salt (which contains Salt Cloud) (and dependencies) into the virtualenv:

pip install M2Crypto    # Don't install on Debian/Ubuntu (see below)
pip install pyzmq PyYAML pycrypto msgpack-python jinja2 psutil
pip install apache-libcloud
pip install -e ./salt   # the path to the salt-cloud git clone


Installing M2Crypto

swig and libssl-dev are required to build M2Crypto. To fix the error command 'swig' failed with exit status 1 while installing M2Crypto, try installing it with the following command:

env SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -D__`uname -m`__ -I/usr/include/openssl" pip install M2Crypto

Debian and Ubuntu systems have modified openssl libraries and mandate that a patched version of M2Crypto be installed. This means that M2Crypto needs to be installed via apt:

apt-get install python-m2crypto

This also means that pulling in the M2Crypto installed using apt requires using --system-site-packages when creating the virtualenv.

Or using a pre-patched M2Crypto

pip install

Using easy_install to Install Salt Cloud

If you are installing using easy_install, you will need to define a USE_SETUPTOOLS environment variable, otherwise dependencies will not be installed:

USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 easy_install salt-cloud

Installing Salt Cloud from Git

To install salt cloud from git without any development purposes in mind, install the required dependencies replacing the last step with:

pip install git+